
CHS 2020-21 Covid-19 Safety Standards
CHS 2020-21 Covid-19 Safety Standards
Updated on 06/09/2022

Cohasset High School Athletic Department

2020-2021 Covid-19 Safety Standards


NOTE- These Safety Standards are in addition to the existing Cohasset Public Schools protocols and procedures.

Winter/Fall II/Spring Sport Offerings and Risk Categories

Massachusetts has specifically classified high school sports under three levels of risk:

Lower Risk

• Sports or activities that can be done with social distancing and no physical contact.

• Sports or activities that can be done individually.

• The Cohasset High School Athletic Department intends to offer the following lower risk sports during the remainder of the 2020-2021 year: Gymnastics (Winter), Ski (Winter), Boys & Girls Tennis (Spring), Girls Golf (Spring). 

Moderate Risk

• Sports or activities that involve intermittent close proximity or limited, incidental physical contact between participants.

• The Cohasset High School Athletic Department intends to offer the following moderate risk sports during the remainder of the 2020-2021 year: Boys & Girls Swimming (Winter), Baseball (Spring), Softball (Spring), Girls Lacrosse (Spring), Boys & Girls Outdoor Track & Field (Spring), Sailing (Spring).

Higher Risk

• Sports or activities for which there is a requirement or a substantial likelihood of routine close and/or sustained proximity or deliberate physical contact between participants and a high probability that respiratory particles will be transmitted between participants.

• The Cohasset High School Athletic Department intends to offer the following higher risk sports during the remainder of the 2020-2021 year: Boys & Girls Basketball (Winter), Boys & Girls Hockey (Winter), Football (Fall II), Competitive Cheer (Fall II), Boys Lacrosse (Spring), Wrestling (Spring).

In Phase III, Step 2 our sports are subject to the limitations and guidelines set forth below:

Type of Play: The following types of play are defined by level from least to greatest risk.

• Level 1: Individual or socially distanced group activities (no-contact workouts, aerobic conditioning, individual skill work, and drills)

• Level 2: Competitive Practices (Intra-team/group games, contact drills and scrimmages)

•Level 3: Competitions (Inter-team games, meets, matches, races, etc.)

• Level 4: Tournaments 

• Sports in Lower Risk category can participate in Level 1,2,3 and 4 type play as defined above.

• Sports in Moderate Risk category can participate in Level 1 as traditionally played. Sports at CHS in Moderate Risk, may only participate in Level 2 and 3 play IF we agree to play them by the modified rules set forth by the MIAA.

• Sports in the Higher Risk category can participate in Level 1, 2 and 3 play IF we follow all sport modifications set out by the MIAA.

Given these criteria, Cohasset High School will offer the following sports this winter season (Dec 14-Feb21):

• Boys & Girls Ice Hockey

• Boys & Girls Basketball

• Boys & Girls Swimming

• Gymnastics



Given the guidelines and other considerations, CHS will move the following sports the MIAA’s-Floating Season "Fall II" (Feb 22-Apr 25):

• Football

• Cheer

Given the guidelines and other considerations, CHS intends to offer the following sports during the MIAA spring season (April 26-July 3):


• Baseball

• Softball

• Boys Tennis

• Girls Tennis

• Boys Lacrosse

• Girls Lacrosse

• Track and Field

• Girls Golf

• Sailing

• Wrestling


Protective Equipment and Facial Coverings for All Sports

Expectation Regarding Face Coverings - All participants in CHS Athletic contests, practices and other activities must wear masks at all times with the following exceptions:

• During Swimming meets and practices while in the pool.

• During lower risk sports (Gymnastics and Singles Tennis) when a distance of at least 14 feet or more is CONSISTENTLY maintained between each participant during active play or performance.

Further Detail Regarding Face Coverings - Student Athletes must wear face coverings AT ALL TIMES during practice and competition. This includes while on the playing surface as well as in the bench area, pool deck, etc., during timeouts, or other stoppages in play.

Participants should take frequent mask breaks when they are out of proximity to others (more than 10 feet), using caution to avoid touching the front or inside of the face covering by using the ties or ear loops to remove and replace. Student athletes MUST clearly be able to identify their own face covering through markings, etc. It is highly recommended that CHS student athletes have multiple, labeled face coverings available to them at every practice or contest.

This requirement applies to all other participants as well (including spectators, chaperones, coaches, staff, referees, judges, umpires, and other officials.)

EXCEPTIONS - The only exceptions to the face coverings guidelines are laid out in individual sport rules or the individual has a medical condition or disability which prevents them from wearing a face covering.


Social Distancing

• WHENEVER POSSIBLE, all activities should take place OUTDOORS. This is of course a seasonal protocol. ALL Spring Activities must take place outside (unless the sport is a traditional indoor sport.) Fall II activities that traditionally take place outdoors should avoid indoor activities whenever possible.

Coaches are responsible for ensuring social distancing (6 feet between individuals) is maintained between players as much as possible. This includes additional spacing between athletes while stretching, warming up, chatting, changing drills, etc. Athletes must maintain spacing, and there should be no congregating of athletes while running drills. Workouts, when possible could be conducted in ‘pods’ of athletes, with the same 5-10 athletes always working out together.

 Locker Rooms: 

   NO CHS teams will have access to locker rooms at any venue we use. Athletes must come to practices, home and away contests or buses already dressed for competition. Student athletes may use CPS bathroom facilities to change following the end of school.

 Locker Rooms and other meeting rooms may NOT be used by CHS teams for team meetings, pre-game, post-game, halftime, or other traditional team meeting activities. Coaches must utilize the playing area for such meetings.

 For “outdoor sports,” all meetings must be held outdoors unless the weather is dangerous.

 No showers may be taken at any of our venues by any of our students.

 At no point may more than 25 persons be on a single playing surface. This applies to practice sessions and contests. 

• Benches on the sidelines may be used but at least 6 feet of distancing must be kept between all in that area AND they must be wearing masks while there.

• Sportsmanship should continue in a touch less manner- no handshakes, slaps, high five, fist bumps.

• Individuals at practice sessions and contests may not congregate in common areas before, during and after practices/contests.

• There must be at least 15 minutes of time between teams built into a field/facility schedule.

• No in-person team social events such as team dinners, banquets, tailgating and other social activities will be permitted until Covid-19 restrictions are lifted.

The term "Captain's Practice" usually means the team's captain(s) organizing and conducting, without adult supervision, out-of-season practice for that sport. The MIAA does not in any way sanction, encourage, or condone "Captain's Practice" in any sport. With all the current protocols in place and lack of supervision we ask that you do not organize or participate in "Captains Practices". 

Hygiene Protocols

• There will be NO shared uniforms or other athletic clothing, pads or other athletic gear.

• Student athletes may NOT, at any time, swap things such as sticks, helmets, pads, practice vests (pinnies), etc.

• Participants and coaches must achieve proper hand hygiene at the beginning and end of all activities, either through hand washing with soap and water or by using alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

• CHS student athletes must arrive for all practices and contests already changed into their practice gear/uniform and ready to play.

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