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Cohasset Athletics

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Cohasset Athletics

Home of the Skippers

Cohasset Athletics

Home of the Skippers

Cohasset Athletics

Home of the Skippers

Announcements and Important Events


Posted 3.0 years ago @ 12:14AM

Fall 2020 Covid-19 Safety Standards

          Cohasset High School Athletic Department

Fall 2020 Covid-19 Safety Standards


NOTE- These Safety Standards are in addition to the existing Cohasset Public Schools protocols and procedures.

Fall Sport Offerings and Risk Categories

Massachusetts has specifically classified high school sports under three levels of risk:

Lower Risk

Sports or activities that can be done with social distancing and no physical contact

Sports or activities that can be done individually

• CHS fall sports currently in the lower risk category- Golf and Cross Country

Moderate Risk

Sports or activities that involve intermittent close proximity or limited, incidental physical contact between participants

• CHS fall sports currently in the moderate risk category- Field Hockey, Soccer

Higher Risk

• Sports or activities for which there is a requirement or a substantial likelihood of routine close and/or sustained proximity or deliberate physical contact between participants and a high probability that respiratory particles will be transmitted between participants.

• CHS fall sports currently in the higher risk category- Football, and Competitive Cheer

In Phase III, Step 1 (our current status as of 9/14/2020), our sports are subject to the limitations and guidelines set forth below:

Type of Play: The following types of play are defined by level from least to greatest risk.

• Level 1: Individual or socially distanced group activities (no-contact workouts, aerobic conditioning, individual skill work, and drills)

• Level 2: Competitive Practices (Intra-team/group games, contact drills and scrimmages)

•Level 3: Competitions (Inter-team games, meets, matches, races, etc.)

• Level 4: Tournaments (Outdoor only)

• Sports in Lower Risk category (XC and Golf) can participate in Level 1,2,3 and 4 type play as defined above.

• Sports in Moderate Risk category (Soccer, and Field Hockey) can participate in Level 1 as traditionally played. Sports at CHS in Moderate Risk, may only participate in Level 2 and 3 play IF we agree to play them by the modified rules set forth by the MIAA.

• Sports in the Higher Risk category can participate in Level 1 as traditionally played. The MIAA has not come out with any modifications for Competitive Cheer or Football and therefore they must only participate in Level 1 play. Competitive Cheer and Football will be moved to the Fall II season later in the school year. Other Higher Risk sports must be amended in the future by the MIAA in order to move out of Level 1 play.

Given these criteria, Cohasset High School will offer the following sports this fall season:

• Boys and Girls Cross Country

• Golf

• Field Hockey

• Boys & Girls Soccer


Given the guidelines and other considerations, Cohasset High School will move the following traditional fall sports to the MIAA’s Fall II-Floating Season from late February through mid-April:

• Football

• Cheer


Protective Equipment and Facial Coverings for All Sports

Baseline Expectation Regarding Face Coverings - All participants will be required to wear appropriate face coverings at any time that they are not able to socially distance- as defined as remaining 6 feet or more from other participants.

Further Detail Regarding Face Coverings - Student Athletes must wear face coverings at all times during practice and competition when unable to maintain social distancing. Student athletes MUST clearly be able to identify their own face covering through markings, etc. It is highly recommended that CHS student athletes have multiple, labeled face coverings available to them at every practice or contest.

The following additional guidelines exist for face coverings in the following sports:

XC - Face Coverings must be worn at the starting line and for the first minute or so of the race.

Golf - Face Coverings must be worn on each tee box until the player is alone on the tee.

Coaches and other athletic personnel must always wear face coverings  during practices and competitions even while social distancing. Coaches may take a “mask break” when they can clearly separate themselves from others for a short period of time.

Spectators - Please see section on Spectator policies

EXCEPTIONS - The only exceptions to the face coverings guidelines are laid out in individual sport rules or the individual has a medical condition or disability which prevents them from wearing a face covering.


Social Distancing

**It is important to note that ALL CHS Fall 2020 Athletics will take place outside.**

• No CHS Fall 2020 Athletics will be held indoors. This applies to practices, contests, meetings, etc. This includes use of the CHS Locker Rooms. The CHS Athletic Trainer will service most kids using Alumni Field as a staging area, and will make every effort for treatments, etc. to be done outside. The only exception to this will be if a team must seek shelter from dangerous weather. All Cohasset Public Schools and Board of Health guidelines related to inside social distancing must be followed during any indoor shelter use.

• At no point may more than 25 persons be on a single playing surface. This applies to practice sessions and contests. This would apply to a Field Hockey or Soccer practice session- no more than 25 student athletes and coaches total working on the field.

• If a full size outdoor field is being used, it may be divided into two practice areas where no more than 25 persons may be on either side (total of 50) but there must be at least 14 feet of space between the two areas AND coaches/players may not float back and forth from either group. This applies to TRYOUTS as well.

• Benches on the sidelines may be used but at least 6 feet of distancing must be kept between all in that area AND they must be wearing masks while there.

• Sportsmanship should continue in a touch less manner- no handshakes, slaps, high five, fist bumps.

• Individuals at practice sessions and contests may not congregate in common areas.

• There must be at least 20 minutes of time between teams built into a field schedule.

Hygiene Protocols

• There will be NO shared uniforms or other athletic clothing, pads or other athletic gear.

• Student athletes may NOT, at any time, swap things such as sticks, helmets, pads, practice vests (pinnies), etc.

• Sport balls - such as field hockey balls and soccer balls may be used by teams to train and play their games. However, they must be sanitized before and after each contest. Golf balls are not to be shared.

• Participants and coaches must achieve proper hand hygiene at the beginning and end of all activities, either through hand washing with soap and water or by using alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

• CHS student athletes must arrive for all practices and contests already changed into their practice gear/uniform and ready to play.

• CHS will provide sanitizing cleaners, and hand sanitizer for all student athletes, coaches and athletic personnel. Student athletes are encouraged to keep their own hand sanitizer in their bags.

•  No more than 1 person is allowed in a restroom at the same time. Student athletes may change in the restroom and face coverings must be worn at all times in the restroom(s).


Staffing and Operations

• To participate or attend a CHS athletic practice, contest or other event, all participants must show no signs or symptoms or Covid-19 for 14 days.

• Student athlete attendance is the responsibility of the Varsity Head Coach. Coaches may designate an assistant to take attendance but are ultimately responsible for ensuring everyone in attendance is recorded daily.

• All student athletes must complete the CPS Covid-19 pre-screening prior to attending CHS athletic practices, contests, etc.

• If any individual (student athlete, coach, other athletic personnel, etc.) develops symptoms of Covid-19 during the activity, they should promptly inform the coach, athletic trainer, or athletic director and must be removed from the activity and instructed to return home.

• If, at the time of the arrival or at any time during the program, a student athlete shows symptoms or acknowledges they have been exposed to Covid-19, that person will be immediately separated from all other people (other than a minor and their parent). A parent will be immediately contacted, and the student athlete will be sent home. If Covid-19 symptoms exist, we will contact the Cohasset Board of Health.

Cleaning and Disinfecting

• All high touch surface areas will be cleaned at the end of each session.

All cleaning activities require the cleaner to wear gloves and a mask.

Bathrooms inside the building- These bathrooms will be cleaned before and after each day of use. They will be cleaned following all Best Practices laid out by the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs.

Equipment - Although there will be limited equipment involved in this program, any equipment that is used will be sanitized after each use.

Hydration and Ice Protocols

•Each student athlete must bring their own filled water bottle- properly labeled with their name.

• There will be NO sharing of water bottles or drinks at any time. Student athletes are responsible for brining enough water to practice/games in their athletic bags.

• We will use the “TOUCH FREE” water coolers whenever possible.

• The CHS ice machine will not be accessible to any CHS students or coaches. Only the CHS Athletic Trainer and Athletic Director may access the ice machine.


The CHS Athletic Department will follow all transportation guidelines established by Cohasset Public Schools.

Beyond those guidelines, the CHS Athletic Department will follow all policies and protocols for athletic transportation as in the past, with the following amendments/additions:

1. The CHS Athletic Department will provide transportation whenever possible. Due to capacity restrictions and bus limitations parent/guardians may be responsible for transportation to events. This will be communicated in advance from the Athletic Director and Coaching staff.

2. With written permission, any parent/guardian (or other approved family member) who wishes to transport their child(ren) to/from an away contest may do so.

3. With the written permission of a parent/guardian, a student athlete who is legally licensed to drive, may transport themselves to/from an away contest. The driving student may NOT transport any other teammates, classmates, or other persons to the away contest with the exception of a sibling who is also on the team who they are able to legally transport.

Protocols for on-bus activities:

1. Students and coaches/staff will be seated as shown in diagrams provided by the State Guidelines.

2. Students and coaches/staff will wear masks at all times on the bus.

3. Windows will be kept open.

4. Coaches/staff may not address the team with “coaching” items while on the bus.

5. Students and coaches/staff may not move from their assigned seats unless there is an emergency.


• All spectators must always practice social distancing AND wear a face covering.


• No more than 50 spectators can currently attend athletic contests. CPS will have a staff member tracking attendance, please be understanding in the event you’re turned away due to capacity.


• Under no circumstances may a spectator approach a coach, official or other CHS athletic personnel within six feet at any time.


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